El tito Bill que me gusta llamarle a mí, el hombre que dona 38 mil millones de dólares ($) a la filantropía y aun le sobran unos cuantos miles de millones para ser el hombre más rico del mundo. El que se monta una máquina en su jardín para mojarse. Uno de los padres de Microsoft.
Bill Gates ha concedido una entrevista al medio Bloomerang la cual nos deja un par de comentarios que nos interesan en gran medida. El primero de ellos, que se encuentran trabajando en una versión mejorada de Office. Tienen la mejor suit informática y no quieren perder ese puesto, mejorando por ellos y para las personas que confían en enllos:
Certainly, Microsoft should do as well or better, but of all the things Microsoft needs to do in terms of making people more productive in their work, helping them communicate in new ways. It’s a long list of opportunities Microsoft has to innovate, and taking Office and making it dramatically better would be really high on the list, that’s the kind of thing that I’m trying to make sure they move fast on. I’m very happy with what he’s doing. I see a new sense of energy. There’s a lot of opportunity there. Some things the company isn’t the leader on, and he sees he needs to change that.
Y el segundo comentario de interés son buenas palabras para ¿la comptencia? sobre el método Apple Pay de Apple, el cual augura que será decisivo para la expansión del pago móvil:
Well Apple Pay is a great example of how a cell phone that identifies its user in a pretty strong way lets you make a transaction that should be very very inexpensive. So the fact that in any application I can buy something, that’s fantastic. The fact that I don’t need a physical card anymore, I just do that transaction, and you’re going to be quite sure about who is on the other end, that is a real contribution, and all of the platforms whether it’s Apple’s or Google’s or Microsoft’s, you’ll see this payment capability get built in. That’s built on industry standard protocols, NFC, and these companies have all participated in getting these going, Apple will help make sure it gets to critical mass for all of the devices.
¿Qué pensáis acerca de las declaraciones de Bill Gates?
Fuente | MicrosoftNews
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