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Microsoft Surface Pro 3 para los pilotos de Austrian Airlines

avión surface pro 3

Astrian Airlines es la aerolínea más grande de Austria y acaba de mandar un comunicado de prensa indicando que, desde noviembre, van a usar el dispositivo Microsoft Surface Pro 3 para sustituir la versión en papel del EFB (Electronic Fligh Bag).

El EFB es un conjunto de importantes documentos de vuelo que llega a pesar varios kilos y que todos los pilotos deben llevan encima, suponiendo una carga considerable que se verá aliviada con el uso del dispositivo de Microsoft.

En el comunicado podemos leer como dicha aerolínea ha encargado 950 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 con Windows 8.1 como parte del esfuerzo de modernización de la carlinga de los aviones, que irán alojados en los Boeing 777 que realizan vuelos de largo recorrido. A continuación os dejo un extracto de la nota de prensa, aunque la podéis leer al completo en el siguiente enlace.

Upgrade for pilots
The advantages of the electronic flight bag are perfectly obvious to Philipp Haller, who as a Boeing 777 pilot also works on long-haul routes: “We are now in a position to use the tablets as a ‘real’ electronic flight bag for the first time in flight operations. Unlike previous solutions, the tablet will therefore accompany the pilot constantly.” This starts with preparations – pilots use an existing Internet connection to load the latest flight information and documents (flight plans, weather information, as well as position, environmental, and system data, for example) onto the tablet. They then take it into the cockpit, where – for safety reasons – at least two Surface Pro 3 tablets per flight are fixed using special brackets. “Fixing them in this manner means that our pilots are now in a position to use the electronic flight bag installed on the tablet in all phases of the flight for the first time. In particular, that now applies to critical phases such as the takeoff, when landing, and in the event of turbulence, too.”

Upgrading the entire fleet
Austrian Airlines has opted for the implementation of an extensive Surface Pro 3 and Windows 8.1-based electronic flight bag. The high performance, the large screen, and the – in comparison – very low weight make the tablet from Microsoft an ideal work instrument for the flight crew. In the course of the project, Austrian has bought about 950 Surface Pro 3 tablets in total. The version chosen features 128 GB storage, an Intel i5 processor, and 4 GB RAM. The rollout of the Austrian fleet’s tablets and equipment started early November 2014. To achieve this, the cockpit of every Airbus A320, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, Dash 8 Q400, and Fokker aircraft will be gradually fitted with EFB brackets, meaning that every pilot – irrespective of the type of aircraft they fly – can use the Surface tablets and electronic flight bag installed on them at all times during flight operations in the future. Introduction of the new system is supported by Microsoft partners ACP and Danube IT Services.

Quién fuera piloto para que le regalasen una Surface Pro 3. ¿Pensáis que es el mejor dispositivo para este tipo de tareas? Déjanos tu opinión en los comentarios. Puedes seguirme en Twitter: @PabloGuija

Fuente | Microsoft-News

Pablo Guijarro

Pablo Guijarro

Apasionado de la tecnología y editor senior de Microsoft Insider. Me apasiona la educación y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en todo el campo educativo. De profesión docente. Músico de nacimiento e iniciado en las tecnologías de Microsoft. Puedes seguirme en twitter: @PabloGuija

  • Miguel Angulo

    definitivamente si, la Surface tiene demasiado potencial y puede ser usado en muchos mas campos!